Saturday, March 7, 2020

Time Of Health Choosing the Right pipe Fittings and the Whole Issue!

Time Of Health Choosing the right pipe fittings and the whole issue relating to fittings and pond hose selection can be somewhat of a confusing issue at times! To complicate the matter further, fittings and tubing sizes are often in metric when you want them in imperial and vice versa. This of course usually depends upon where you live.

Why Do I Need Pipe Fittings?

The vast majority of water gardeners will have at least 2 pieces of equipment that they need to interconnect; a pump and biological filter, for example. In some instances they may have many items of equipment that need to be connected together.

TIP! There are a myriad of reliable, energy efficient pumps available to the water gardening market, these days. Many of them are sold with the relevant fittings included.

There are a myriad of Reliable

As water flows from the pump through the tubing it will often need to change direction. In order to reduce flow restrictions and save on energy consumption use a fitting that has as smooth a bend as possible. No matter what pump model you use it will loose a bit of flow, for each and every piece of equipment that is connected together. This is known as pressure drop.

Many pond keepers use what is known as a T Piece to split the water flow between 2 pieces of equipment. This is a very bad idea! The 90 degree change in water flow causes significant pressure drop and flow restriction. The golden rule when choosing fittings is to always to choose the  Vitamins widest diameter you can; this once again is to lower the pressure drop and therefore maximize the possible amount of flow. Using a Y piece to split flow minimizes friction losses or pressure drop and is a far better choice.

Which Pond Hose Should I Use?

It is better to use opaque plastic tubing because clear plastic allows sunlight to penetrate it. Algae will grow on the inside, providing there are nutrients and sunlight present. The algae colonize the inside of the hose, reducing the internal diameter through which water is pumped. This yet again causes a pressure drop. Opaque tubing makes it very difficult for sunlight to penetrate and this in turn makes it difficult for algae to grow.

Normally the body heals the body. If you suffer a bruise, a scratch, a pulled muscle, a broken bone, or get a headache, over time the body heals the body, albeit it takes longer the older you get. There are of course situations where it is beyond the body's ability to heal the body and for that one then usually requires externally applied specialized chemical (as in pharmaceuticals) and/or physical (as in surgical) treatments. Sometimes nothing chemical or physical can heal the body. Ultimately healing, even post-surgery, is a function of natural body chemistry (like blood clotting) or of chemistry that is taken into the body (like prescription drugs) or of changes of body chemistry induced by the mind. The mind - chemistry connection is a two-way street. Chemistry can influence the workings of the mind; the mind can influence body chemistry. But when all else fails, is there mind over matter? Can the mind heal the body without resorting to chemistry?

Very often you will want to bend the tube and this is the second reason why transparent pipe is normally not the best choice. Ribbed flexible pipe is perfect for water gardeners as it does not kink when it is bent. The majority of transparent hose kinks very easily and the impact is a lower water flow to your waterfall or fountain. Whichever type you decide to use should be as short as possible and should be as wide as possible.

Can the mind heal the body without resorting to chemistry?

When you attach hose you will often use what we is known as a Jubilee Clip; ensure that you use stainless steel, so as to avoid rusting and corrosion.

How does memory work? I haven't a clue! What I am certain of is that somehow memory must be an emergent property of chemistry. There are many different types of chemistry. There is soil chemistry. There is Nutra Life Keto food and cooking chemistry. There is liver chemistry, and blood chemistry, respiration chemistry and the chemistry that digests your food. There is the entire petrochemical industry. There is the entire pharmaceutical industry obviously based around chemistry. There is the chemistry of photosynthesis. There is mineralogy. There is the chemistry of metallurgy.. But that memory is absolutely fixed. The film or the CD or the book plays the same from start to finish no matter how many times you watch or hear the contents. 

There is one other emergent property associated with biological memory, and that is creativity. You can take a piece of music on a CD. The CD's memory plays the music in a fixed absolute way again and again. Now take that same piece of music that's part of your memory. You can in your mind speed up the piece of music, slow it down, hum it in a different key, change the notes or the lyrics if you wish. So chemistry, brain chemistry, not only gives you memory but also creativity based on those memories. How the heck atoms and molecules can do that is IMHO one of the Big Questions yet to be given a satisfactory answer.@>>

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